A man is being interviewed by a woman via a video interview.

A Guide to Successful Video Interviews

The way employers not only do business but also how to conduct interviews has changed in recent years. Telephone and video interviews have become increasingly more popular than in-person interviews. Because of this, both employers and candidates alike need to ensure that they know how to navigate the ins and...

A laptop is in front of a desktop computer and both display a cool website.

12 Ways to Make Your Website More Interesting 

In the modern day, it is almost impossible to attract potential employees or a potential employer unless you have an interesting website.  A boring or incomplete website can actually cause your business to lose out on top talent.  Want to ensure you can attract a position or employee using your website?...

A man works on software on a dual-screen computer.

CRM Software Guide for Creative Agencies

For those who own or work in a creative agency, there is an understanding of just how difficult it is to keep up with the day-to-day functions. This in addition to giving customers the personal attention they deserve can be overwhelming. Utilizing good CRM software can be a lifesaver for...