A white robot with human features

Will AI Replace UX Designers?

Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting areas of developing technology. While it might seem like science fiction or the distant future, AI is already here and some of the biggest names in tech are workshopping automated products for everything from self-driving cars to photo editing software. But...

A man in a blue sweater covers his face with his hands.

10 Signs of Low Employee Morale

Monitoring job morale in the workplace is crucial for retaining and motivating employees, ultimately contributing to a better working environment. Many companies struggle to comprehend this concept, leading them to overlook evident indicators that the work atmosphere is deteriorating. Employees may experience frustration or unhappiness for various reasons, sometimes solely...

A blonde girl looks at a record in a shop.

Mastering Nostalgia in Web Design

Products linked with fond memories of the past have a strong appeal for people affected by them. That appeal feels automatic for the viewer since the feeling is already built into their psyche. Many web designers have tapped into these nostalgic feelings with great success, but some others have...

A man wearing suspenders sits in a chair holding a book.

Upskilling & Reskilling for Creatives

Creatives stake their careers on imaginative work with a personal user experience. In the ever-changing business world, how can we make sure our products are impactful? Staying up-to-date with new technology and the latest design thinking is essential for building the kind of experience that people crave and return to...

A woman draws on a tablet.

Neumorphism: Lasting Design Style or Short-Term Trend?

When digital user interfaces were still in their infancy, a design style called skeuomorphism was the most popular way to illustrate digital functions. With this style, designers built symbols and buttons that mimicked the shape and design of real-world objects. Since users were already familiar with the objects depicted,...