A group of people standing together laughing in the sunshine.

Employee Benefits Guide for Creatives

Employee benefits extend far beyond just health insurance and paid time off. Some of these benefits are required by law while others vary from company to company. Generally speaking, benefits are given to full-time staff members and not to freelancers, part-time employees, or independent contractors. What employee benefits can creatives...

A man in a black t-shirt works on his laptop with a cup of coffee.

The Future of Freelancing in 2021

Like many industries, creatives currently find themselves in the midst of the Freelance Revolution. In addition to new technology that allows independent agents to take on work they couldn’t have handled before, businesses are using staffing strategies called flexible blended workforces that are driving up the demand for freelance...

A woman helps a young graduate girl put on her cap and gown.

Higher Ed and the Creative Job Market

The decision to pursue higher education shouldn’t be taken lightly. In many countries, it’s a huge financial commitment. Many creative people who are aiming for careers in design or programming may wonder whether such a commitment is necessary for the jobs they want. There’s no easy answer to this question....

Two men and a woman in business suits stand next to each other.

How to Land Your First Creative Job

Entering the job market can be challenging, especially in today’s web-focused world. As remote work continues its upward trend and companies search for innovations to stand out against the competition, unique and skilled creatives are in ever greater demand. The good news is that you don’t have to have decades...

A white robot with human features

Will AI Replace UX Designers?

Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting areas of developing technology. While it might seem like science fiction or the distant future, AI is already here and some of the biggest names in tech are workshopping automated products for everything from self-driving cars to photo editing software. But...

A man in a blue sweater covers his face with his hands.

10 Signs of Low Employee Morale

Monitoring job morale in the workplace is crucial for retaining and motivating employees, ultimately contributing to a better working environment. Many companies struggle to comprehend this concept, leading them to overlook evident indicators that the work atmosphere is deteriorating. Employees may experience frustration or unhappiness for various reasons, sometimes solely...