A woman showing a man information on a screen.

How to Save Time When Applying for Multiple Positions

Job hunting is a situation we’ve all found ourselves in at certain points in time. That said, while it can go smoothly sometimes, there are other times when the process of applying for jobs is harder than it should be, especially when you’re applying for different positions at once. This situation can consume more time and energy than you can afford, but we have good news. It doesn’t always have to be a time-consuming process, and in this article, we’ll explain tips on how you can save time while applying for your dream positions.

What Does it Mean To Bulk Apply? 

Today, the job market is very competitive. Job offers, especially the really good ones, aren’t open for long, and for this reason, job seekers have come up with ways to be efficient in their job hunting. One of the most popular ways of being effective is by bulk applying. As the name implies, bulk application means applying for multiple job positions with one single application. 

By doing this, job seekers attempt to shorten the otherwise lengthy process of securing a job. In fact, some people go as far as applying for multiple job positions. That’s understandable; in fact, it is more common than you think. However, there are special guidelines that must be followed to ensure that the process of bulk application goes how you hope. Depending on certain conditions, the process could have the opposite effect, that is, take too long and waste your time. 

A “we are hiring” poster.
 Applying for jobs can be extremely time-consuming but there are ways to make it easier.

Does Bulk Applying Have Any Benefits?

The simple answer to this is “Yes.” Bulk applying comes with its benefits, and if you play your cards right, you’re sure to enjoy these benefits. Here are the biggest ones. 

  • Access to a Wide Variety of Job Offers: One thing that is heavily frowned upon when searching for a job is putting all your eggs in one basket. Do not do that! Bulk applying helps you keep your options open. This way, you’ll be able to consider several job openings, and you get to weigh all your options. At the end of the day, you’re likely to end up with a job that is best suited to your skill set. 
  • You Get to Save Time: What no one wants is to spend months or even a year waiting to hear back from their dream company. No one wants that, and bulk applying reduces your chances of being stuck in that position. By bulk applying, you can apply for different jobs at once using a single application; in fact, it also gives you time to search for more job positions and apply to your preferred ones. 
  • Your Chances of Getting Hired are Increased: This clearly goes without saying. Bulk application is an efficient way to increase your presence in the labor market, and an increased presence equals a higher chance of getting hired. 
  • Privilege of Tracking Your Applications: This is yet another benefit of applying for multiple job positions at the same time. You get to track the progress of each one of your applications and be aware of your chances in each one. Knowing your status is a very helpful way to decide what happens next. Do you give up on a particular job pursuit and search for other ones? Do you stick around because you might have a chance? Are there any revisions you should make that would help your prospect of securing other jobs? There are all questions you can answer when you track your applications. 

What Are The Steps For Bulk Applying?

As helpful as it might be, bulk applying is not the easiest thing to do. For one, it involves a lot of options, and for that reason, many people find the process overwhelming. Also, it might be frustrating and a waste of time if you’re not being strategic. That said, there is a way to go through with the entire process while ensuring you get the best out of it. Here are a few steps you should follow. 

  • Define what it is that you want. Before you make any career-related decisions, there is a very important question that you have to answer — what do you want? Many job seekers do not take time to answer this question, but instead, they jump on whatever opportunity they find, thinking it is the smart thing to do. 

While it is a good thing to seize opportunities, it is also important to remember that not every opportunity is perfect for you. Realizing this reduces your chances of being stuck doing a job that you absolutely hate. So, make a list, think about what interests you and look at jobs that relate to these interests. 

For example, if you’re not a people person, you have no business applying for HR jobs or any job involved in customer service. Or if you’re a restless person, don’t apply for a job that requires you to sit at a desk all day. 

  • Consider your qualifications. Qualifications are of the utmost importance when it comes to job hunting, and they can be in the form of education, experience or both. Applying for a job you’re not qualified to do is a bad look for you and a waste of time. What you are qualified to do counts as a strength, and it is in your best interest that you play on these strengths. By doing so, you’re very likely to secure a job and excel at it. 

Once you have followed the first two steps, you should have streamlined your options by now. Don’t pay attention to the jobs that do not fit your capabilities, and focus on the ones that you’re a better fit for. And now, you’re ready for the next step. 

  • Make use of the 80% rule. The 80% rule states that if you meet 80% of the listed criteria for a particular job, then you should apply for it. It is also important to remember that some criteria are more important than others. So, if you do not meet the most important criteria, for example language, location, or citizenship, don’t waste your time applying for a job even if you meet 80% of the required qualifications. 

However, if the 20% you don’t meet are things that you can easily change, then go on to apply for the job. 

  • Compile your resume. Before you apply for any job, you need to ensure that your resume is a great representation of you and your skill set. Make sure it is up to that and that it highlights all your strengths. Don’t forget to make it as specific as possible to each of the positions you will be applying for. Make sure the attached documents, such as the cover letter, are well constructed and do not take anything for granted. Mention every experience and every qualification that you have, no matter how extracurricular it might seem. 

Another important tip is to not mention that you’re applying to other positions in other companies. That could significantly dampen your chances. However, you should mention in your cover letter if you’re applying to different positions within the same company.  

  • Submit your application. This is self-explanatory, but as a plus, it might help your chances if you contact the recruiter or the company which you’re hoping to work for. Inform them of your application and state the reason. This step can be skipped, but if you apply for different posts in the same company, you probably shouldn’t skip this. 

Contacting the recruiters and informing them of your bulk application tells them that you’re intentional and not just applying for any and every available position. Additionally, everybody prefers honest people to people who seem to greedily grab whatever is in front of them. 

At icreatives staffing, a leader among creative staffing agencies, we appreciate when candidates reach out to us directly to express their interest and intentions. This personal touch not only helps us understand your career aspirations but also demonstrates your proactive attitude, which is highly valued in the creative industries.

  • Track your application. Hopefully, you hear back from your recruiter soon, but let’s be realistic. Sometimes, it could be a while before you hear back from a company after submitting an application. This silence doesn’t necessarily mean something bad, neither does it have to be reciprocated. At icreatives staffing, we strive to keep all our candidates informed throughout the recruitment process, ensuring that you’re not left in the dark.

After a week or two of submitting an application, follow up with the company or organization and ask about the progress of your application. It could be that the selection process is still ongoing, or it could be that you did not check all of their boxes. If the latter is the case, be professional about it and request an informative interview

During this interview, ask about and learn from the company’s feedback. This could help you create better resumes and more impressive applications in the future. If this company in question is a place you would absolutely love to work in, express your continued interest and request that they contact you if another slot opens up. Just remember to keep it professional always. 

  • Keep exploring. So, you get one or two unfavorable responses, that doesn’t mean you should give up on your job hunt. Don’t stop applying, and keep your options open. In the meantime, improve your resume based on feedback you’ve received and, if you can, find ways to expand your skill set. 

We hope you get the responses you want from the companies of your choice, but if that doesn’t work out, don’t be discouraged. Try out a different approach, depending on the feedback you get, and start the whole process again. 

A resume template to-do list.
Keeping all your job application info in one place will help you stay organized. 

Can You Save Time While Bulk Applying?

The bulk application process is aimed to help you save time as you search for jobs, but the process itself doesn’t happen at the snap of your fingers. It is a continuous process which takes time of its own. We’ve explained how to make the process as efficient as possible, but we’ve also put together some tricks to make sure the process is as short as possible. 

  • Work in batches. Bulk applying involves a series of steps, so imagine doing them all at once. This would not only be energy consuming, it would also water your time. For that reason, it is advised to work in batches, which means doing related things at the same time. For example, when forming your resume, do that for all the jobs you want to apply for. Don’t compile your resume for one job and search for jobs at the same time. 

Focus on one task per time, and by doing so, you’ll save not just your time but also your energy; plus, you’ll find that this is more efficient. 

  • Employ the use of templates. We’re all familiar with the use of templates and how much easier they can make your work. As you go on with bulk applying, you’ll come across templates, ones you made yourself and ones you stumbled on from the internet. 

These templates can be useful when you’re creating a cover letter, an appreciation email, an invite template, et cetera. With these, you don’t have to start certain application steps from the beginning. All you have to do is make customized revisions to suit your application, and you can use these templates on the fly! 

  • Don’t hunt for jobs when you’re tired. We understand that you have many things going on in your life, and you’re doing more than just searching for jobs. But at the same time, it is not advisable to put job hunting as the last thing on your to-do list after you’re done with all your responsibilities for the day. This is because you’re not as productive or efficient when you’re exhausted. 

That said, don’t hunt for jobs or fill out applications when you’re burned out. You’ll just end up frustrating yourself, and you’ll find yourself doing less than you’re capable of, which is not good if you want to get that dream job. 

  • Request for outside help. Sometimes, getting a second opinion about your application could save you from wasting your time and energy. This “outside help” doesn’t have to be professional. If you have access to professional opinions, it’s good for you, but it’s not a problem if you don’t. You can have your husband, siblings, or friends look through your application.

They may be able to spot mistakes you may have missed or inform you when you’re self-sabotaging or even when you’re being impressive. Any kind of feedback might be helpful in more ways than you think. 

A young job seeker looks through available positions.
Saving time while applying for jobs can increase your chances of getting hired faster.

Ready To Start Effectively Applying For Multiple Positions?

Job hunting is generally a long process, how much more when you’re applying for several at the same time. However, the above steps and tips are guaranteed to speed up the time it’ll take for you to find a new job. Not only will they help you save time, but they will also help you be efficient and land your dream job with reduced chances of being overwhelmed.

Just remember to keep your options open, don’t apply for positions that you’re not qualified for, and be honest and professional when dealing with recruiters.

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