Wordpress Developer

Blogging has become one of the most popular resources to engage with audiences, establish authority, influence others, and ultimately grow a business. There are hundreds of millions of active blogs out there, and WordPress (WP) is the go-to content management system for this purpose.

Your main goal is to assist your clients with the creation of WP websites that meet their specific goals based on its ever-evolving needs, making sure they’re fully functional and running smoothly.

You’ll create, update, and manage WP-powered websites and applications, including the design of its structure, coding, user interface design, integration and plugin selection, theme development, front end/back end design, and technical support – to name a few.

Simply put, WordPress is your realm.

Tools of the Trade: Sketch, JavaScript; PHP; CSS; HTML; Adobe Photoshop; Adobe Illustrator

Salary: $$

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