Presentation Specialist
When it comes to presenting ideas to the client, you are the “go-to” person. You’re a natural born storyteller who understands the importance of a brand, and use your creative and technical skills to create forward-thinking presentations that drive value and make an impact.
Your strong sense of design and understanding of integration of concept, strategy, and creative execution helps you convey your team’s message in an organized and effective way, ensuring it is consistent with the company’s core identity, mission, values, and goals.
PowerPoint is your realm, and you have a working knowledge of Flash. These skills allow you to add graphics, visuals, charts, infographics, color themes, master templates, animations, hyperlinking, transitions, actions, videos to help the team bring out the best in any pitch.
Some of the presentations you create will be for internal purposes such as sales plans, product launches, end-of year results, etc.
Some are for external/commercial use, such as product demos, sales kits, keynote presentations, etc.
You may work directly for a corporation, collaborating closely with its account managers, marketing, sales, and communications teams; or for an advertising agency, that handles a variety of accounts and clients.
Tools of the Trade: Microsoft Word. Excel. PowerPoint. Keynote. Adobe Animate. Photoshop and Illustrator.
Salary: $$