Art Director – Advertising

Your soul is full of visual artistry, your mind is a cornucopia overflowing with creative ideas.

You apply the laws of visual aesthetics and style to each layout, commercial, website, and project you touch – seamlessly combining balance and grace to communicate and persuade.

As a leader, you oversee the work of illustrators, graphic designers, and production artists. You will develop ideas for ads in all mediums and other creative tidbits. Essential to this position is your partner, the Copywriter.

Your background will typically revolve around design, including graphic design, illustration, and production design – to name a few.

You may work in virtually any industry, from advertising to TV, print and online media, public relations, design and photography, non-profits, and the entertainment industry – to name a few.

Tools of the Trade: Illustrator; InDesign; Photoshop.

Salary: $$$

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